(Updated on Monday 02-24-2014, at 1:39 pm)
By @johnmanuelsilva and @emiduarte
Translate by @Suanex
1) Juan Crisóstomo Montoya González known as “Juancho”, 51 years old. He was a member of the “Colectivo Carapaica” and He was a part in It’s pacification. He was shot in his face on the February 12 of 2014, after a concentration that arrived to the building of the General prosecution of the Venezuelan Republic, in the University Avenue (Caracas) was ended. He passed away in La Arboleda Clinic, San Bernardino.
2) Bassil Alejandro Dacosta Frías, 24 yearsold. First It was reported that He was a student from the University Alejandro Humboldt, but He really was a carpenter of profession. He passed away from a gunshot in the head February 12 of 2014, after the concentration that arrived to the building of the General prosecution of the Venezuelan Republic, in the University Avenue (Caracas).
3) Roberto Readman, 31 years old, He was a professional pilot. He was shot on the head in the Francisco de Miranda Avenue, Altamira, in late afternoon on the February 12 of 2014. He was killed in the protests that follow the events in the in the University Avenue (Caracas) around the township of Chacao.
4) Génesis Carmona, she was a model and Miss Turismo Carabobo. She was a student of Marketing in the Technologic University of the Center (Unitec). She passed away after been gunshot in her head on the Dr. Rafael Guerra Méndez Clinic. She was one of the wounded in the protests in Valencia city, Carabobo State, February 19 of 2014.
5) Arturo Alexis Martínez, 59 años, miembro del PSUV (Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela), el partido de gobierno. Recibió un disparo en el pecho delante de la Universidad Fermín Toro, en el este de Barquisimeto, estado Lara, el 20 de febrero de 2014. De acuerdo con las declaraciones del Presidente Era un obrero que supuestamente estaba limpiando la basura que fue dejado por los manifestantes del día anterior de que el tránsito de bloque.
6) José Méndez, 17 years old, naval engineering student. He was ran over during a protest in Carupano, Sucre State. Where He was protesting in Perimetral of Carupano Avenue, He and other protesters blocked the ways so no one could go through.
Link: http://www.el-nacional.com/sucesos/Atropellan-manifestantes-Carupano_0_357564506.html
7) Delia Elena Lobo, 40 years old. According to the Merida State’s governor’s testimony on the February 20 th of 2014, Alexis Ramirez, there was a lady named Delia Elena Lobo of 40 years old who passed away after being attacked in one of the barricades. His testimony was this “Unfortunately as a consequence of the barricades that the fascist opposition has been doing, this lady lost her life in a wire fence that they had. This is a situation that We are denouncing”, this couldn’t be corroborated because there’s no investigation or news in any media but the governor’s words.
8) Unknown person in Puerto Ordaz. Just like the last reported, the Minister for Interior Justice and Peace, Miguel Rodriguez Torres reported in the February 19 th that a person had died in Puerto Ordaz, Bolivar State. Theirs is not any investigation journalistic or forensic that corroborated this fact. Here is the testimony of the Minister.
9) About Alejandro Márquez, 43 years old. Professional engineering, He was in La Candelaria, being part of the protests of the February 19 of 2014. It’ been reported that the National Bolivarian Guard (GNB) threaten Alejandro Marquez because he was recording the protests in his cellphone. The Guard shot but not they did not hit Alejandro, as He ran, fell and hit his head on the sidewalk. While He remained in the floor his neighbors told that the GNB hit him several times and them took him to the Vargas Hospital, where He was treated for brutal assault and them he came into a coma. His dead was announced February Friday 21 of 2014, in late night hours, according to El Universal.
Links: Note by El Universal: http://www.eluniversal.com/nacional-y-politica/protestas-en-venezuela/140221/fallecio-ingeniero-golpeado-en-manifestaciones-de-la-candelaria
Update, 21 February Friday of 2014, 12:15 am.
After, ONG Provea, specialized on the Humans Rights defense, refute this allegations by quoting his sister as a source. She through his Twitter account said that there was a possibility for his recovery even though he was still into a coma.
Update, 23 February Sunday, 7:25 pm.
Through his Twitter account, Alejandro’s sister confirmed that at 7:15 pm of the 23 February Sunday, her brother finally passed away.
10) Elvis Rafael Durán de La Rosa, 29 yearsold. He passed away after lose his head on the 21 February Friday, in night hours when He was on his motorbike traveling through the Romulo Gallegos Avenue, Horinzonte, Sucre township (Caracas). According to the report the young man was moving on his motorbike and when He passed through a barricade suffer an injure on his neck because a steel cable that hang from side to side of the road. The Sucre Mayor rejected this fact on his Twitter account.
11) Geraldine Moreno, 23 years old, Cytotechnology student. This 22 February Saturday of 2014 Geraldine passed away in the North Metropolitan hospital, where She enter with cerebral contusions and the loss of her left eye (With her right eye compromised). The victim was shot with lead on her face by GNB Guardia NacionalBolivariana (National Bolivarian Guard) while She was hiding during the protests of last 19 February Wednesday of 2014 in Naguanagua, Carabobo State. During three days the young woman was in the ICU until this Saturday at 12:45 of noon, when the doctors told the family of her demise. Her mother denounce that the GNB shot at Geraldine while she was on the floor.
Before her death, when Geraldine was recruited in the Hospital her aunt Ana Maria Aular reported the GNB acts and accused them of shooting her twice while she was on the floor.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvZrWO2t2qM
12) Jimmy Vargas, 34 years old. Passed away after falling from the Mezzanina of one of the buildings where He remained guarded of the shooting of lead and teargas by the GNB to the principal Avenue from Pueblo Nuevo, Tachira State. There’s two sides of the story some people relate that the GNB shot lead and/or teargas to his face and that make him fall. The other side of the story says it was an accident fall “I don’t needs your sympathies for my son, just gain more streght to keep on fighting… This is a great grief” said his mother
Link: http://www.el-nacional.com/sucesos/Muere-edificio-impacto-lacrimogena-Tachira_0_361763886.html
Update: 25-02-2014, 1:45
This CNN video apparently showing the time of death of Jimmy Vargas
13) Wilmer «Jhonny» Carballo, a greengrocer, age unknown. He was shot on the head in the city of Cagua, township Sucre, Aragua State. According to the testimony of Ricardo Sanchez, a neighbor, duplicated in several media “Carballo ran to guard from the bullets but still he received a gunshot in the head” We still have no date about the deceased age.