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negor len

6 MENSAJES 1 Comentarios
Yes I am, el hombre que always been singing, and sing con mi pluma, the music que encierran las letras. I been a poet for as longest I remember, he caminado for all the fields donde las cosechas humanas su sangre abonan, for the good apios y lechugas, que crecen around the world, adornando with songs and tears the ones que irriegan esos campos. Es ahi, the place donde I been picking all the colors que adornan el camino de mis letras. Negor Len, is the name con que myself introdusco to all of you my visitors, hopping you relax los cansancios que tengas en el alma, when you take my hand and together caminemos, all the roads who will take us to the paradaise were you and me, sonriamos a la paz y al amor. Love and Peace, solos they fly from soul to soul, kissing any moment que llegue de los palpitos que radican right here, lugar donde I paint every light who shows to me, the happines or the sadness que florece in the eyes of the ilucion, who lives with de esperanzas. Somerton Arizona is the Chicano Town en que vivo yo and my family, esta situado in the state of Arizona,14 miles from the border with Mexico, 1 mile from the Colorado River, and 11 miles from the city of Yuma Arizona. And we are un pueblo campesino. My name: Negor Len, amo viajar no importando how close, how far from home, ones I am on the road es todo lo que mi importa. After many years me gusto la fotografia, and you my visitor’s will see some of my picture que he tomado en los desiertos del Condado de Yuma y my Town Somerton Arizona. Hopping you enyoing your visit to my espacio. Negor Len